Capability = Basic Mode
Capability = Advanced Mode
Add a new MPDU. The maximum number of user is 63.
Delete the selected MPDU. The minimum number of MPDU is 1.
Add a new MPDU, and its configuration is copied from the selected MPDU.
Move the selected MPDU up by one line and decrease its MPDU Id by 1.
Move the selected MPDU down by one line and increase its MPDU Id by 1.
Displays the index for each user.
Choice: On|Off
Default: On
Enable or disable the
. scrambles the data to reduce the probability of long sequences of zeros and ones.The Capability is set to be Basic.
is fixed to be ‘ON’ when theChoice: BCC| LDPC
Default: BCC
Select the Channel Coding mode that encodes the data to enable error correction.
Choice: On|Off
Default: On
Enable or disable the channel encoding function. When it's Off, BCC encoder or LDPC encoder will be bypassed.
Choice: On|Off
Default: Off
Enable or disable the interleaver.
interleaves the bits of each spatial stream(changes order of bits) to prevent long sequences of adjacent noisy bits from entering the BCC decoder. Interleaving is applied only when BCC encoding is used.BCC Interleaver is fixed to be ‘OFF’ when the Capability is set to be Basic. It’s only visible when the Channel Coding Mode is BCC.
Choice: On|Off
Default: On
Enable or disable the LDPC Tone Mapper function. When it's Off, LDPC encoder will be bypassed.
LDPC Tone Mapper is fixed to be ‘OFF’ when the Capability is set to be Basic. It’s only visible when the Channel Coding Mode is LDPC.
Its maximum value depends on the Transmission Mode and STBC as below table show.
Max. Nss |
2 |
4 |
Set the number of Spatial Streams used by current user.
Displays the number of Space Time Streams for the current user.
When Number of Spatial Streams. When STBC is ON, it is equal to two times the Number of Spatial Streams. Its initial value is equal to the Number of Transmit Chains so that the initial Spatial Mapping Scheme can be Direct Mapping.
is OFF, it is equal to theSelect the MCS Index. Please note that some MCS Index values are defined in the standard to to be invalid for certain combinations of bandwidth and number of spatial streams Nxx. They are not selectable.
Displays the modulation format defined for the selected MCS (Modulation and Coding Scheme) Index value.
Displays the coding rate determined by MCS index.
Displays the data rate determined by MCS index.
Choices: On|Off
Default: On
Enable or disable the MPDU aggregation. When it’s off, a single MPDU will be used as the payload.
Choices: No restriction | ¼ us | ½ us | 1 us | 2 us | 4 us | 8 us | 16 us
Default: No restriction
Coupling: Invisible when Aggregated MPDU is set to OFF.
Select the minimum time between the start of adjacent MPDUs within an A-MPDU.
Default: 0
Coupling: Invisible when Aggregated MPDU is set to OFF.
Displays the minimum octets between the start of adjacent MPDUs. Its value should be equal or greater than Minimum MPDU Start Spacing X Data Rate / 8.
Displays the number of octets in the AMPDU pre-EOF padding carried in the PSDU of the current user. It's the LENGTH defined in the standard and is equal to the sum of A-MPDU Subframe Length in all the MPDUs.
Range: 0 to 63
Default: 0
Displays the MPDU index. When a new MPDU is added or deleted, the MPDU# will increment or decrement by 1.
Configure the MAC header.
Choices: All 0s | PN9 | PN15 | User File
Default: PN9
Select the payload bits stream. This is the actual user data carried by a frame.
Specify a seed in decimal format which is used to generate PN9 data sequence. The LSB of seed will be coming out first. For example, if the seed is 10, the first 9 data of PN9 sequence are 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 with an increasing index from left to right.
Set the number of data bytes in the payload. The value is limited by the MPDU Length.
Displays the number of octets in current MPDU, which is comprised of MSDU, MAC Header and MAC FCS.
Prior to N7617B version, this was named MAC Frame Length.
Default: 0
Coupling: Only available when Aggregated MPDU is turned on.
Displays the number of octets each A-MPDU subframe contains. A-MPDU is made up of a number of A-MPDU subframes.